Monday 9 January 2012

Packing Day!

Today we packed roughly 20 suitcases full of medical supplies and toys and gifts for the people of Africa. It was amazing to see how generous everyone was that donated! :)


Anonymous said...

My name is really Elaine, I used to work with Loraine MacDonald about 9 yrs.ago. I really like loo-raine! lol~~ I am a community health worker now, with interior health. home support! sure wish i would have done what you are about to do! what an adventure you and everyone will have there! hope it is a very rewarding trip, i am sure it will be! all zee best!

Amanda J said...

Hello Elaine! I really like Mrs M as well. She is my second mother :). I wish you were here as well, we havn't even reached our final destination and I am already in love with it. Thanks for the best wishes,
