Monday 9 January 2012

Ready, Set, Go!

I can't believe I leave tomorrow! My bags are packed and I'm ready to go. I had an interesting experience packing my medications the other day. I took all the medications in blister pack out of their boxes and put them into little pill bottles thinking I was so smart, they would take up so much less room that way. Recycled all the extra bottles and went on my way. Then I got an email from my professor, telling me that if my luggage is checked at customs and there is any unlabelled medication, it can be seized with no questions asked. So not only did I have to search through my rather nasty recycling bin through a million little paper shreds which my landlord had just dumped in there, I had to go down to the pharmacies that I got the medication from in the big snow fall and get labelled pill bottles. Needless to say, I have learned my lesson, haha. My dog is here with me right now since my mom is out travelling for work and she seems to think she is coming with me. She enjoys lying in my carry on suitcase, trying to stick airdog wherever she can find room. I will miss her alot as well as everyone here in Kelowna, it was sad to say goodbye to everyone here but I will be back so soon to tell everybody about my wonderful adventure! Here I come, London :).

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