Wednesday 30 November 2011


Hello everyone,

This will be where I will be writing what I am doing while I am in Africa in case anyone wants to see! According to the students from last year, the power is rather unstable. I will do my best to keep this up-to-date. I leave on January 10th, 2012 and will be returning home on March the 5th, 2012. So far, I know that I will be landing in London and staying there for 4 days before flying to Lusaka. From there I will be taking a very long bus ride to Mongu where I will be staying in a house (which looks very north american) with 14 other students. At the end of January, I will be going on a safari (like you see on the TV). For the last few days of my trip I will be visiting Victoria Falls, which is in Livingston. I will have access to facebook and that but I would absolutely love a phone call or a text from anyone that is willing to pay the charge and answer their phone at obscene hours (there is an approximate time difference of 10 hours).  I will post my phone number on here when I get it (which I won't get until I arrive in Zambia). 
