Saturday 25 February 2012

Livingstone from beneath the falls!

Feb. 25th, 2012:

Last night after I entered my last blog, I got to watch some of the local Zambian people dance for the guests at Jollyboys! They strapped on big beads that shook when they danced. They are so good at their dancing. Can they ever move! Their were two men playing the drums and the dancers sang and chanted while they danced. It was really cool to watch! Then, they danced with shetanges tied on like belts. I really enjoyed it, the colourful outfits were beautiful.

This morning I left to see the falls via the national park. We walked down many trails. The first trail we went down led us to a bridge right beside the falls. We didn't bring enough money for rain coats, so we stripped down into our bikinis and it was a good thing we did that because we got SOAKED! It was so beautiful. It's no wonder it is one of the 7 wonders of the world. We were a little bit disappointed because we weren't able to go around to where the biggest falls are because of the mist from the rain season but the "little" falls were pretty huge so that was okay. We then went down to "Boiling Point". As soon as we even stepped on the path a local Zambian stopped us and warned us about the baboons. He said that they will attack you and grab your bag if they think you have food, so we should bring his sling shot with us because they are scared of it. So we did and it was a good thing! On our way down to boiling point, which was a work out let me tell you (so many stairs and nature to climb over and under) we ran into a HUGE baboon! I ran behind my friend Amy and she shrieked. At the beginning of our trip, we met a nice man named Mattious who was travelling alone so he joined our group. He was at the front of the trio when the baboon came and we were happy he was with us. Not only was he great company, but he was also very tall and knew how to shoot the sling shot. The Boiling Point turned out to be the bottom of the massive bridge and the falls itself. The bridge is huge, 111 metres and it is the bridge that people bunji jump off of! I saw a few people jump and after watching them, I knew that I really really didn't want to do that, haha. The pool of water pools so rapidly in circles that it looks like a boiling pot of water. It was amazing and worth the rather sweaty walk back up :).

After the falls we went on a sunset booze cruise! it was really nice. it was rather cloudy so we couldn't see much of the sunset but the food was pretty good and it was nice to be back on the Zambezi River. When we got back, my friend Rachel and I played pool for an hour. We found some fellow backpackers to play and had a blast. Now, very tired but very happy, I am headed to bed. Tomorrow I am looking forward to a day of rest. Relaxing by the pool reading in the sun sounds like a pretty good day to me!

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