Wednesday 7 March 2012

Home at last!

March 7th, 2012: After a long journey home, I have finally arrived home safe and sound. As strange as this may sound, being home feels different. Returning back to a state of normal from being on a constant adrenaline high while in Africa has been a challenging task for me. I am still operating on African time, much like all my other nursing friends who went to Africa! We phone each other at 3 am trying to pass the time before we can get up at an acceptable Canadian time for the day. While up at all hours of the night I have had a chance to think about what I have learned on my trip. I have learned many things but the most important thing that I learned was that I am so lucky and do not appreciate what I have at home in Canada. I have learned that I do not need all the material things which I treasured so much before going on my trip. Before this trip, the idea of moving out of of Kelowna and starting a new life somewhere else petrified me. Now, I figure if I can live in Africa for 2 months then I can go anywhere that my job may take me. I cannot fully realize how much I have grown as a nurse until I start working in the hospital here but I can already tell that without this experience I would not be the nurse that I am today. These last few days have encompassed unpacking and getting all my affairs in order with graduation which is coming so soon! I have also been visiting or talking with everyone that I missed on my trip which has been the best part of returning home. Telling my stories and sharing my photos has reminded me of how much I loved my trip and how thankful I am that I was able to go.

I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been reading my blog and supporting me while on this trip. I didn't think anyone would actually read this! It means so much to me that although I was a million miles away, you guys were still thinking about me, were interested in my well being and were curious as to how my trip was going. It means more than I can put into words. So thanks once again and if I haven't already seen you or talked to you, it won't be long!


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